Admiral goes the Extra Mile for AutoRaise

Admiral has announced its Extra Mile initiative has raised more than £5,000 for AutoRaise.
Ian Phillips, claims engineers manager, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the success of the Extra Mile challenge which saw participants either walk or run 20, 35 or 60 plus miles throughout January and February.
“Collectively we covered a massive 10,262 miles, the distance from the UK to Australia. It was great seeing everyone’s activities and photos of their walks, runs with their friends, family, and dogs along the way.
“Well done to everybody involved and for helping raise over £5,000 for such a worthy cause, a special thank you to the Balgores Group and U- POL for their generous donations of £1,000 each.”
Steve Thompson, AutoRaise vice chair, said: “We could not be more honoured to be the beneficiary of over £5,000 thanks to the Admiral Extra Mile Challenge.”