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Bodyshop Magazine is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation and, as such, is an IPSO-regulated publication which upholds the highest standards of journalism and abides by the IPSO Editors’ Code of Practice. If you think that we have not met those standards and want to raise an issue, please contact the editor, Simon Wait, or call 01296 642800. If we are unable to resolve the issue for you, or if you would like more information about IPSO or the Editors’ Code, please visit the IPSO website.

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Bodyshop Magazine is published monthly in both print and digital formats and is distributed to a readership that is certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. As an ABC-certified magazine, Bodyshop is the only publication working in the UK collision repair sector that has a trusted and verified readership and circulation. It is mailed directly to a closely monitored database of industry leaders and decision makers, and is read by the end-users who influence purchasing decisions. For more information, please visit the ABC website.

Bodyshop Magazine is published by Plenham Ltd and printed in Great Britain by Pensord Press. It is mailed free to all eligible UK businesses, including bodyshops, individual accident repair professionals and apprentices, and the UK collision repair supply chain. For businesses and individuals outside the sector, Bodyshop is available in the UK at £5 per copy (including p&p) or at an annual subscription of £55 for 12 issues. International subscriptions start at £90 per year for select European countries, and £130 for the rest of the world.

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