Senior management changes at SVL and DMN Group

DMN Group has announced two new senior appointments – Andy Scott has been appointed general manager at DMN’s newly acquired business Specialist Vehicle Logistics (SVL) and James Hopkins is the new managing director of DMN’s Rapid Logistics business as well as joining the group board as a non-executive director.
Scott has more than 30 years of experience within the automotive industry. He left Alphabet in 2022 to undertake numerous consultancy roles before being approached by DMN to run DMN Group’s Smethwick site. Following the SVL purchase, he was asked to manage the newly acquired company, which he accepted.
Changes at SVL and DMN Group
As general manager at SVL, Scott oversees the running of its logistics, refurbishment, onsite bodyshop, valeting, and mechanical operations. SVL also has storage for approximately 300 vehicles with a large indoor area.
Scott said of the management changes at SVL and DMN Group:
“I am humbled by this opportunity. This is a career change to logistics – I’m on a learning curve, but it’s an exciting opportunity to come into this business and help develop the existing workforce, with up-to-date IT software systems that streamline processes and minimise paperwork, as well as develop the team’s skills.
“As a general manager, it’s all about the staff, all of whom stayed following the acquisition, which was great because they are an exceptional team and have made the transition easier than I could have ever hoped for. I look forward to integrating the business into DMN and supporting its growth.”
Although Hopkins has been consulting for DMN Group over the past 12 months, his new positions have only recently been formalised. In his board role he will support the strategic, long-term development of the group and the senior leadership team.
Maximise potential
As MD of DMN Rapid Logistics, DMN’s blue light, vetted, logistics business, Hopkins will manage the running of the metropolitan police contract as well as look to expanding into other blue, orange or red-light services. He has an impressive background within the automotive industry spanning 25 years. He brings with him a corporate perspective from previous roles at Constellation Group and LeasePlan, while aiming to keep the family feel at DMN and the boutique service they offer.
Hopkins said changes at SVL and DMN Group: “I’ve enjoyed working with DMN over the past 12 months but am excited to delve deeper into the business to maximise the potential of the Group and Rapid Logistics.
“DMN has certainly developed its service offering over the past two years, with the introduction of Rapid Logistics, fleet services and two acquisitions – my role on the board as non-executive director is to bring a cohesiveness between all the components that now exist within DMN Group and I look forward to supporting the growing needs and demands of the business as it continues to expand.”