More than half of roadside breakdowns preventable – GEM

Research from GEM Motoring Assist has revealed that more than half of roadside breakdowns would not take place if the vehicle had been recently serviced.
It found that simple steps such as checking fuel levels and tyre pressures would prevent many issues that lead to breakdowns.
Further, most battery failures and other electrical malfunctions can be prevented through routine checks and regular servicing.
GEM head of road safety James Luckhurst said: “Don’t wait for signs of car trouble before taking action, as it may be too late. We all know the roads will be busy over the holiday period, and the last thing anyone needs is to be stranded at the roadside. GEM wants everyone to get to where they want to go in safety, with as little extra stress as possible.
“That’s why a few minutes spent on a few basic vehicle checks really could pay dividends.
“If things do go wrong, then a good breakdown recovery policy is vital and will cost a lot less than the fee required for roadside help, especially on Christmas Day. We want everyone to have a safe and stress-free Christmas break. Basic maintenance checks minimise the risk of a breakdown and will make a big contribution to a happy holiday season for all the family.”