Revive! East Anglia goes from strength to strength

Revive! East Anglia is celebrating 15 years in business.
Established as part of the Revive! network in 2007 by Nathan Holmes, it now employs 16 people, with a fleet of 10 vans and two workshops. The first major growth milestone came in 2012, when he invited employee Andy Blackhurst and good friend Adam Holmes to become shareholders in the company, investing in new premises to create Revive! East Anglia.
It became the first in the network to turnover £1m, and also opened opened a static workshop within the EMG Group dealership’s Cambridge site in 2013. A second larger 6,000 sqft workshop unit was purchased in 2018.
The trio are now working towards a turnover goal of £2m and over the past year have invested heavily in diamond cut wheel repair equipment, buying two specialist wheel vans and installing a diamond cut lathe in their new workshop.
Adam Holmes said: “When we first started it really was a man in a van operation. Fifteen years ago you maybe had three or four vans on the road and perhaps did £200,000 a year, but to suddenly get to that milestone was massive. We really need to push on now and try to be the first £2m Revive! business.”
Nathan Holmes added: “When I first set up the franchise I had ambitions to build a bigger business and now all those years later I am very proud of the successful, award-winning business we have become. The support we have received from Revive! head office and the quality of training we have been able to access as part of the network have played a big part in helping us get to where we are now. Revive! is a fantastic brand and we’re proud to be part of it.”