Cars still seen as a status symbol

A new survey suggests that drivers still see their car as a status symbol – and this is not just restricted to older drivers.

According to a survey of 2,000 UK drivers, commissioned by, nearly a third (32%) believe it is important to have a car that is under five years old. Meanwhile, over a quarter (27%) are prepared to go over budget for a car that looks good, while more than one in four drivers (28%) would buy a new car over a second-hand car to get that ‘new car look and feeling’, even if cost a lot more.

Almost one in five (18%) drivers call themselves a ‘brand snob’ and will pay extra for a more prestigious car brand, and 60% of drivers would refuse some brands of car irrespective of how good the car or deal on the table was.

Ben Wooltorton,, said: “It’s clear that drivers in the UK feel their car is a reflection of them and they’re prepared to pay more for one that they feel looks good and is good for their image.”
