RAC leads on crash detection accuracy

Independent tests have proven that RAC Telematics’ crash detection accuracy is far above current industry averages.
TRL, the UK’s transport research laboratory, confirmed the crash detection accuracy of RAC Telematics in a series of controlled tests. The results show a 92% accuracy in detecting crash and non-crash events in more than 60 tests, compared to an industry average of less than 70% for on-road systems.
RAC Telematics managing director Nick Walker said, ‘The results from TRL provide unrivalled independent verification of the crash detection accuracy of the RAC Telematics system, which is hugely beneficial to our customers looking for a product they can trust to report events with the highest accuracy.
‘By monitoring both acceleration and vibration signatures at the point of an incident, RAC Telematics is able to identify whether a crash has, or hasn’t, taken place with a 92% certainty.
‘Crucially our technology will identify a low speed incident where crashes are often missed or disputed. It will also separate out events known as ‘false positives’ such as speed bumps and kerb impact giving significantly more intelligence than traditional methods.’
The RAC said the technology is fitted on all 1,500 RAC patrol vehicles and has not only helped generate a significant cost saving in terms of fuel, but has also provided a basis for driver style and safety improvement – or on-the-job driver training.
Nick added, ‘Our telematics service brings all the known benefits of cost and efficiency to fleet operators large and small. But on top, we have technology strengths which will offer additional insight into fleet risk and driver safety.
‘Our advanced crash notification capability, and our driver style monitoring incorporates two aspects of driving – risk and efficiency. Both of these technology areas are unique to RAC, and represents the result of focused investment over the past two years.’
Source: Fleet World