School of Thought renews NFU Mutual partnership

School of Thought Automotive has announced that NFU Mutual has renewed its support for the second year.

School of Thought Automotive was set up to address the growing skills gap in the industry by promoting the potential careers within the sector to attract new talent, and then linking employers with the next generation.

Julie Eley of School of Thought said: “NFU Mutual are very much aligned with our values. They support people, communities, the environment and are actively working to create a better future. It came as no surprise to us that they received the Gallup Exceptional Workplace award again this year. This is the type of business that young people would feel safe and supported in, a great example of a positive workplace culture.”

She continued: “Forward-thinking businesses such as NFU Mutual recognise the long-term benefits of being one of our Corporate Partners, and without their support we wouldn’t be able to attend events and promote automotive opportunities throughout the UK.”

Dave Rossall, head of motor claims at NFU Mutual, added: “As a mutual insurer, we operate in the interests of our customers and communities, not to make profit for shareholders. That means we’re able to support charities and initiatives which we believe will have a long-term benefit for both the industry and for customers, and School of Thought does just that.

“Many of our claims handlers, underwriters and other specialists have worked in the automotive industry and built up valuable skills and expertise which help us better serve our members, so we know the importance of having a pipeline of talent for the future. School Of Thought’s vital work demonstrates the career progression available in the automotive industry and supports talent to enter the industry, as well as helping create a sustainable, functioning repair network in the years to come.

“Ultimately, a sustainable repair network is good for insurers and good for customers. That’s why NFU Mutual began supporting School of Thought last year and why we are proud to continue that support now.”
