Cost counts most for used car buyers

Cost is the driving factor for most motorists considering buying a second-hand car, according to a new poll commissioned by the Motor Ombudsman.

It found that 58% of respondents said money mattered more than model or make.

Meanwhile, the research also revealed that buying from retailers was the preferred option with 48% said it offered more reassurance buying from a business rather than a private seller and 43% saying it offered a safety net if something was to go wrong with their car after buying it.

Meanwhile, the overriding majority (46%) of respondents would buy a petrol model, with those in the 55-plus age bracket the most likely to do so (52%), while 26% said a hybrid would be their preferred choice, followed by diesel (17%) and electric (10%).

Bill Fennell, chief ombudsman, said: “Several million used cars change hands each year, and the second hand market, for some consumers, provides a more affordable and accessible proposition. To help steer consumers in the right direction as they embark on their used car buying journey, our handy reference guide has been designed to outline some of the key considerations, from initial research to extended warranties, and to act as a useful prompt for questions to sellers before signing on the dotted line.”
