SMMT calls for AV Bill backing

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is urging parliament to back the Automated Vehicles (AV) Bill and enshrine it into law.

It believes autonomous driving can save 3,200 lives and prevent 53,000 serious accidents between now and 2040, while delivering a £38bn boost to the UK economy.

However, it warns that any delays to the legislation could mean that there are no self-driving vehicles until around 2030, which could put the UK at a disadvantage to other major markets which already have regulatory frameworks in place

Speaking at SMMT Connected 2024,  Mike Hawes, chief executive, said: “Backing the AV Bill now is fundamental if Britain is to not only develop but deploy self-driving passenger cars and services. We have the foundations, but other major markets are stealing a march, with regulation already in place allowing them to benefit from UK-developed self-driving tech that cannot be rolled out here. Any further delay risks leaving Britain in the slow lane, jeopardising our competitiveness and holding back the significant safety and economic rewards self-driving technology can deliver.”
