RWC Training opens doors to students

Milton Keynes-based RWC Training delivered hands-on training to automotive students from Bedford College recently.
Level 2 and 3 engineering and motor vehicle students visited the state-of-the-art site for Vehicle Technology Enhanced Learning event which included presentations, mentoring, and practical work.
Apart from experiencing the work of a bodyshop first-hand, they were also exposed to new areas of the industry not covered in the course, such as hybrid/EV high voltage system safety; ADAS calibration; welding and manufacturing techniques; and using a spectrometer for colour identification and matching.
Rob Ward said:
“We were thrilled to give students the chance to see the inner workings of a bodyshop first-hand and support the College’s Enhancement Programme. They were able to ask questions, practice essential skills like welding and paint application, and gain exposure to cutting-edge areas like EV repair that will be crucial in their future careers. Our training centre was the perfect place as it is set out like a real-life bodyshop, so they can truly understand the flow of a workshop and the different stages of a repair.”
James Woolley, head of motor vehicle and engineering at Bedford College, added: “The 36 hours of enhancement is very important for students. We have everything they need at the college, but they get to come into the real world, communicate with and ask questions to those who work in the industry, and receive exposure to areas which are not on the curriculum.”