New platform to connect repairers with customers

A new online directory showcasing the work of body repair specialists is being launched in January to connect skilled tradespeople with customers across the UK.

The Auto Body Fixers platform promises to deliver a range of features that repair specialists can leverage to highlight their services, skills, and business culture. In addition to providing a comprehensive directory, the platform will offer options to link the repairers’ websites and social media accounts, further driving traffic and potential leads.

The retail market for body repair specialists primarily operates on one-time customer interactions. Unlike mechanical garages, which have frequent touchpoints such as annual MOTs to build relationships with their customers, independent repairers can often struggle with a lack of repeat business.

As a result, the continuous need to market a bodyshop’s services not only diverts their focus from core operations but also poses challenges in managing customer acquisition costs. Auto Body Fixers is designed to alleviate at least some of this burden.

Auto Body Fixers founding partner and owner of Star Smart Repair in Nottingham, Ross Cameron (pictured left with business partner Joe Roach), said: “I have been part of this industry for almost a decade and a half. During this time, I have built relationships with great mobile specialists and bodyshops and manufacturers.

“While there is a lot of work out there, I regularly hear that people are struggling to find new retail work. I feel that the challenge isn’t the lack of work but their visibility to potential customers. Keeping up with the ever-evolving digital world, especially social media and rising PPC costs, is daunting. Auto Body Fixers is my endeavour to create a unified platform that simplifies this process, ensuring specialists are easily found by those in need.”

While the official launch date for the platform will be in early 2024, Cameron has already invited 2,000-plus repair businesses to claim their listing. These “founders”, who will be contacted by email or can register their interest through, will lock in their membership fee from day one and enjoy other benefits.

Cameron said: “Our initial focus is on establishing presence and user-traffic in the UK while engaging with our founding customer-base to evolve the platform into one that serves all of our stakeholders well. It is our aim that through achieving these initial objectives we will develop a platform and processes that will be scalable throughout further regions.

“Through Q1 2024 we have a plan to reach out to a further 4,500 eligible specialists around the UK. We intend to launch our Premium Membership at the beginning of Q2 2024 which will include additional profile features, improved positioning in the search results, and discounts with suppliers and service providers through our select partnerships.”
