Tailgating tops road rage list

More than half of UK drivers have admitted to road rage, with tailgating the most common annoyance.

Car finance company Zuto conducted research to find out what annoys UK drivers the most, and found that 52% said cars driving too close behind was the most irritating behaviour. Drivers also get angry when others use late or no indicators, with 50% of people selecting this as one of the pet peeves that annoys them the most.

Boy racers, who are often fans of driving fast and aggressively, are another annoyance for many, with these individuals providing rage for 48% of people.

Across the UK, the top three brands with the worst reputations are BMW with one in five of the votes (19%), followed by Range Rover (16%) and then with Mini (11%).

Lucy Sherliker, head of customer at Zuto, said: “Whilst we can often think of driving as just a way of getting from one place to another, this research proves that it’s often a cause of great frustration for people in the UK. Whether it be the driver’s fault or even the roads themselves, driving can make many of us quite emotional at times.

“We would always encourage drivers to remain calm on the roads and look to respect others, no matter how annoying the situation may be.”
