Glasurit supports Greener Bodyshop Awards

The NBRA has announced that Glasurit will be headline sponsor of the Greener Bodyshop Awards, on Thursday 31 October.

Hosted at the Birmingham Sea Life Centre, the event will recognise the bodyshops that are making a commitment to becoming more sustainable in their practises. Bodyshop finalists will be presented with bronze, silver and gold awards according to their commitment to reducing their impact on the environment.

Gavin Townsend, UK sales manager said, ‘We are thrilled to be supporting the NBRA with their Greener Bodyshop Awards. After hearing about the event, we knew it was something we wanted to be involved in, as there are obvious synergies. We are looking forward to the evening and seeing bodyshops recognised for their efforts to become more sustainable.’

Chris Weeks, NBRA director said, ‘Now is the time for the body repair industry to take responsibility for its environmental impact and we are delighted that Glasurit has volunteered to support this important event to encourage the take up of green practices and products.’
