Jason Moseley resigns from NBRA

The National Body Repair Association (NBRA) – a federated association of the Retail Motor Industry Federation – has announced the resignation of its director, Jason Moseley.
Since Jason joined the then NAB/VBRA organisations, he has led the successful strategic transition of the organisation to provide a unified and strengthened collision repair trade association. Jason will continue to support and lead the operation until he leaves in mid-October 2017.
The process to appoint a new director has commenced and is being led by the NBRA executive committee.
Roger Collings, NBRA chairman said, ‘Jason has been instrumental in raising the reputation and profile of the NBRA as the true voice of collision repairers. I wish him well for his next challenge. The NBRA Executive will now work diligently to appoint a successor and we will make a further announcement in due course.’