VW set diesel scandal amnesty deadline

Volkswagen has set a deadline of 30 November for staff with knowledge about its cheating in diesel emissions tests, so that they can come forward.
Workers who speak up now to internal investigators will be exempt from dismissal, according to a letter from VW brand chief Herbert Diess.
Mr Diess said the offer was being made in the interests of ‘full and swift clarification’.
VW said it would not dismiss workers for what they might reveal, but they might be transferred to other duties.
‘Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements who get in touch promptly, but no later than November 30, 2015 and rest assured that the company will waive consequences under labour law such as the termination of employment, and will not make any claim for damages,’ the letter stated.
Last week, Europe’s biggest carmaker also admitted to cheating on carbon dioxide emissions certifications.
As a result of the ongoing scandal, VW has put aside €6.7bn (£4.7bn) to meet the cost of recalling the diesel vehicles worldwide that were fitted with so called ‘defeat devices’ that evaded tests for emissions of nitrogen oxides.