Documents confirm Apple to build car?

Adding fuel to previous reports that tech giant Apple are to build an autonomous car, The Guardian newspaper has obtained correspondence between Apple engineer Frank Fearon and officials at GoMentum Station – a car testing facility not far from San Francisco.
‘We would … like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using [it],’ the newspaper quotes Fearon as writing. The note was sent in May and reportedly obtained under a public records request.
GoMentum Station is a facility specifically set up to test driverless car technology. There’s 20 miles or so of road which recreates some real-world scenarios.
The Station already has an agreement with Honda, which plans to test automated vehicle systems there. Hall said his agency hopes to partner with other companies for testing self-driving cars and ‘connected vehicles’ — cars that use the Internet and local networks to exchange a variety of information with other devices and vehicles.
An Apple spokesman declined to comment on the matter.