Insurethebox new apprenticeship programme

According to Bdaily, Insurethebox has dedicated itself to a large-scale apprenticeship programme pointed at developing the intelligence and analytical skills of staff working across a wide range of departments and job functions.

With offices in Newcastle and London, Insurethebox has partnered with Intelligencia Training to bring this qualification succeeding feedback from other organisations within the industry.

Insurethebox Limited’s group talent and leadership development partner, Stephen Johnson-Ramsey, told Bdaily, ‘Insurethebox has made a strategic decision to work with Intelligencia Training’s technical training programme which gives us access to the UK’s highest level of vocational training.

‘Through this training, we are also able to promote inter-departmental collaboration and intelligence-led decision making.’

Intelligencia Training are delivering intelligence analysis training within government agencies and organisations within the custodial, banking, insurance, utilities and retail sectors as a technique to make the use of intelligence more official and specialised.
