Kwik Fit uncovers depth of tyre ignorance

A new study has revealed that just a quarter of drivers know the legal minimum tread depth for cars. 

In research carried out for Kwik Fit, only 25% of drivers stated that the legal minimum is 1.6mm; 40% gave an incorrect while a fifth (20%) admitted they did not know. 

Even more worryingly, more than one in ten drivers, (11%) said they didn’t know what tyre ‘tread depth’ meant. 

Drivers risk three penalty points and a fine of up to £2,500 per tyre if their tyres do not comply with the law. This means that a full set of illegal tyres could see drivers losing their licence and facing total fines of up to £10,000.

Roger Griggs, communications director at Kwik Fit, said, ‘These figures are alarming and prove we have a lot of work to do when it comes to tyre education. Tyre treads are designed to give good grip, which is especially important when the roads are wet. Without adequate tread, the performance of the tyre will decrease and ultimately affect the overall safety of the vehicle. For all the safety developments car manufacturers are making, we have to remember that tyres are the only part of a car that are in contact with the road and so it is vital that they are in the best condition possible.

‘There are simple checks, such as the 20 pence piece test, that drivers can perform themselves to ensure their tyre tread depth is legal. For anyone not confident in checking by themselves, our centres offer a tyre check service to give peace of mind to motorists.’
