Ford launches WheelSwap VR

Ford has launched a new campaign designed to help improve safety and reduce pollution and congestion called Share The Road.

Share The Road seeks to foster harmony between road users and underlines the company’s belief that enabling more people to cycle safely, especially for short journeys, benefits everyone.

As part of the campaign, Ford has produced a virtual reality experience. WheelSwap enables motorists and cyclists to see how inconsiderate driving and riding can be dangerous for their fellow road users.

‘As someone who frequently travels on both two wheels and four wheels, I have experienced first-hand many of the frustrations – and dangers – that drivers and cyclists encounter on our roads today,’ said Steven Armstrong, president and CEO, Ford of Europe, Middle East & Africa.

WheelSwap, enables motorists to see from a cyclist’s point of view how scary it can be when drivers overtake too closely, swerve without indicating and open car doors without checking for bikes. Another version enables cyclists to experience what it is like for drivers when they jump red lights, cycle down one-way streets the wrong way and swerve unexpectedly.

More than 1,200 people took part in the initial research across five European countries, with 70% of those who experienced WheelSwap displaying greater empathy to their driving and cycling counterparts after watching the film, compared with those who had not.

Furthermore, 91% planned to change their on-road habits; and just two weeks after experiencing WheelSwap, 60% had changed their behaviour on their day-to-day travels.
